Saturday, August 16, 2008

I Made It to Austin

Greeting from the State Capital,

I finally got moved in, at least half way. My new address is:

3307 Cherry Lane
Austin, TX 78703

Tully and I were truly blessed with a wonderful house in a cozy neighborhood. I am close to school and also close to Lake Austin. Also, I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Lucy and Steve Butter- you guys are awesome! They let me stay at their house a couple of nights and hang out with their neato kids- Trey and Tate.

Tonight Austin and I got to attend Acton's Grand Opening (see picture above). The school is located right on Town Lake- you can see downtown in the's really nice. I was glad because Austin got to meet a lot of my classmates. I have been impressed with the caliber of people in this program. I was really impressed when listening to some of our Master Teachers; y'all wouldn't believe (seriously) the business opportunities these guys are involved with (not just in the States). It's truly baffling.

Lastly, I just wanted to apologize to everyone before hand about how much time is about to be zapped from my life. Please just know that between now and May many of you may not hear from me at all (other than this blog). Nobody understands, including myself, how much time this program truly requires. This truth was reinforced tonight when speaking with several former students. So, please just keep up with this blog and don't think I've forgotten about you! When I say "I probably won't make one TCU football game this year", you know this is serious business.

Here's a verse I wanted to leave with everyone before I go. The Lord revealed this to me while in Zambia- it basically means that God is always at work, even when we might get frustrated or have things not work out as planned.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

A year ago if you told me I'd be in Austin, Texas, going to a school called Acton, I would have laughed and said, "What is Acton?". But then again, His plan is better than any plan we could ever put together.

Have a blessed week!


1 comment:

Mindy Rives said...

Hey Travis! Just found your blog from Facebook. Enjoy Austin! Take care!

My blog is

Have a great week!